Saturday, 28 January 2017

online Yamuna Auctions php project

 Online Yamuna Auctions  is an Extensive and Powerful script written in PHP. It has potential to generate very heavy revenues for you. Auction script is built with focus on increased ease of users and raised profits of webmasters.

Friday, 27 January 2017

customer billing system using c

Customer Billing System Project is a simple console application designed to demonstrate the practical use of C programming language and its features as wells as to generate an application which can be used in any departmental store, shops, cafes etc. for billing to the customer.

contact management system using c

Contact Management System is a simple console application without graphics. It is similar to the contact manager in cell phones. In this  project, you can add, view, edit, search and delete contacts. All added and edited records are saved in a file.

Garment Shop Management using c++

This is a simple C++ project for beginners about Garment Shop  Management . The Garment Shop  Management project take information about the  Men, woman, kids fashion wear  and save the records. The user can edit, delete and search the records in the project.

karyana shop Management using c++

This is a simple C++ project for beginners about karyana shop  Management . The karyana shop  Management  project take information about the Products and save the records. The user can edit, delete and search the records in the project.

Thursday, 26 January 2017

income tax system using c++

The first step to understand the workings of Income Tax in India is to be aware of the taxation slabs released each financial year by the Indian Government. The taxation slabs for the financial year 2014-15 for General tax payers and Women: –

salary management system using c++

The purpose of developing this software project is to fully automate salary system for an organization sweden sports academy. This software is capable of calculating monthly salaries, tax and social security of employees of that organization. On the basis of certain formulas it will generate files as an output such as bank files and salary slips etc.

Rain Fall system using c++

This is a simple C++ project for beginners about Rain Fall system. The Rain Fall system project take information about the different level of rainfall are there Lowest and High Rain fall store . The user can edit, delete and search the records in the project.

Personal Information Management using c++

This is a simple C++ project for beginners about Personal Information Management. The Personal Information Management project take information about the different employee and save the records. The user can edit, delete and search the records in the project.

Library Management System2 using c++

The Library Management System automates the basic library functions to aid in the day-to-day operations of a library. It supports functions such as issue, return, the very basic functions of searching for a particular book, etc.
It also maintains data about books about books, teachers, students records that are required during various library operations. The software aims to make the system user friendly and efficient.

The functions that the Library Management System provides are as follows:
1. INSERT: This operation is performed when new data needs to be added to the system, for e.g. when department purchases a new book, the book’s entry is inserted in the books database. This option has three choices:
a) Book: This choise allows entering data about newly purchased books into the books database. The data entered includes book’s author, title, publisher, cost and various other fields provided in the form. The data must be accurate and must be entered in the correct format as indicated in the forms.
b) Teacher: This option is used for entering data for a new teacher in the teacher’s database. This option is chosen when a teacher joins college.
c) Student: This will enter new record for a student in student’s database. This option is chosen when a student is enrolled in the college.
2. DELETE: This operation clears the existing records in the various databases. It is used when for e.g. a member leaves college or when book is disposed of from library. But care mustbe taken while performing this operation and permissiontaken from the head of library because the system could loose any important data.
It can be performed on all databases and on three choices are:
a) Book: This will enter a null value for the book whose accession number is entered in the fieldprovided in the respected form. This operation is done when a book is disposed of the library.
b) Teacher: This will clear the record for a particular teacher whose identification number is entered. This option is chosen when a teacher leaves college.
c) Student: This will clear the record for the particular student whose record needs to be deleted by entering her roll number in the required field. This option is chosen when a student leaves college.
3. UPDATE: This function updates data in the various records. This operation is supported by all the three enteries:
a) Book: This function generally would not be required for updating a book’s status as that data wouldn’t change.
b) Teacher: This will update the data of particular teacher, whose data has changed like address, phone number, etc. by entering her identification number.
c) Student: This will update the data of student like address, course, etc. by entering student’s roll number.
4. SEARCH: This function is used to search particular data from the database. This function can search for data related to all the
three entities:
a) Book: To search for a particular book, to know whether it is currently available in library or not. This can be done by entering value in any one or more fields in the form to perform the search such as title or author name.
b) Teacher: This will find out the particular teacher who currently has the book for which search is being carried out.
c) Student: This will find out the particular student who possesses the particular book.
5. ISSUE: This operation is used for issuing a book to a member of the library. For this operation to be successful the member must meet
some criteria like she shouldnot have issued books to her maximum
limit previously. All these checks are done by software. If the
operation is successful, then the system automatically stores the date of
issue and the due date by which the book must be returned.
a) Student: When a student loans a book, the entry of the book is stored automatically in the student’s database with the due date of that book.
b) Teacher: In case a member of teaching staff loans a book the entry is stored in teacher’s database with the due date of the book.
6. RETURN: Using this operation a member returns the items, which she loaned, from the library back to it. If the book, which is loaned is not returned within specified time the member ends up as a defaulter and she is required to pay fine which is calculated automatically by the software.
a) Teacher: It will delete the corresponding entry made in teacher’s database.
b) Student: It will delete the corresponding entry made in student’s database.
7. DISPLAY: This is used to display each and every record, i.e. record of every book, teacher and student in the library.
a) Book: Record of every book, i.e. it’s accession number, author name, publisher name, etc.
b) Teacher: Record of every teacher, i.e. her id, department, no. of books issued, etc., who is member of the college library.
c) Student: Record of every student, i.e. her roll number, course, no of books issued, etc., who is member of the college library.
8. EXIT: This takes user out of the application.

Library Management System2 using c++Project rate:Rs.1000

Library Management System using c++

The Library Management System automates the basic library functions to aid in the day-to-day operations of a library. It supports functions such as issue, return, the very basic functions of searching for a particular book, etc.
It also maintains data about books about books, teachers, students records that are required during various library operations. The software aims to make the system user friendly and efficient.

Cricket Score Maintenance using c++

This is Cricket Score Management System. At first the software saves all the team and team members name and their history.Each and every matches can be updated lively using this software. Point table of all the software will be shown. ODI and test ranking table can also be viewed in

Football Players System using c++

This is a simple C++ project for beginners about Football players Information management. The Football players information management project take information about the different players and save the records. The user can edit, delete and search the records in the project.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

company record system using c

The Company record system is very simple and for very beginner mini project. It is based one the menu-driven program for elementary database management. It employ all the basic technique of file handling in C. It consists of following features

calculator system using c

Hi, here I am posting code snippet of a simple calculator which performs basic functions like add, subtract, divide, multiply of two numbers and also square, square root and cube of a number. No database is used for creating this calculator. A class named “calc” is defined in this which has the above said methods and when they are called the calculation is done according to them. It is really helpful for learning purpose. This code snippet teaches us how to create a class and methods and also how to call them.

book store system using c++

Under any particular book shop, there are various number and types of books available and it is sometimes even difficult for the book shop owner to remember the details of any particular book. With this new book shop system, book shopkeeper will find easier to perform all the operations which are needed for their daily business transactions. As there will be a common system and screen for all types of users but to perform operations related to admin part, that person should have a valid login id and password.

Monday, 16 January 2017

friends connect social networking php project

friends connect social networking which has all latest technologies developed in PHP and MySQL Server. Its just  like facebook, it contains video, link, photo and polls modules. The social networking website is an online community designed to make social life more active and stimulating. The social network can help you maintain existing relationships with people and share pictures and messages, and establish new ones by reaching out to people you’ve never met before.

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Yamuna Tax Mapping System php project

This is a Yamuna tax mapping system programmed using PHP/MySQL. I write this code to help other programmer who found difficulty on creating their own tax mapping system.

face social network php project

face social network has created new ways to communicate and share information. Online Social networking sites are now being used regularly by millions of people and have become a part of everyday life for many people. Social networking has recently begun to be a key component of the internet business strategy for most “forward looking” companies. This serves as a main reason to study and build a social networking site. 

simple car rent system php project

simple car rent system will provide the business owner to handle their business in much easier fashion. A number of built in modules has been added such as vehicle history details, their engine and parts details, insurance registration and expiration details, vehicle check in and check out details, vehicle servicing details, payment details etc. Admin will also have to facility to check their customers and suppliers details and their payment mode and status details along with date and time. 

online Yamuna news portal php project

Online Yamuna  news portal is one of the popular web based application mostly used by media houses. Today, every media house who publishes news on paper media also runs a news portal simultaneously to attract visitors or make a base of subscribers. Along with media house individuals and organizations also seem to keep a lot of interest in launching a news portal since it is also a means to generate revenue via advertisements. The main objective of a news portal is to disseminate information around the world in an easy way. Some of the popular news portals around the globe are,,,,, like php project

Our project is, we create project for display all profile in
In our project user can read any type of information and will see the picture also. And base on user login, user can online register of any display profile.
Each and every user has its own user name and password. After user name and password they can login in your register.
This is a project created specially to provide the users the benefit of Online free register and display profile.
create a Wedding / Matrimonial website then you come at right place,

Saturday, 14 January 2017

yamuna classifieds php project

yamuna classifieds  is the potential classified advertisement websites that categorize objects in a user-friendly manner & displayed as an advertisement. Classifieds can be posted that involves selling, buying, organizing to meet people nearby your location. If you want to sell anything like bikes, computer, gadgets etc then you can post ad with complete details of the item.

college management system php project

College management system project is implemented in PHP programming language using MY SQL database. Main aim of this project is to develop an online website which will cover details about institutes, courses, student’s information, student’s details and other information related to education.

online mobile recharge php project

online mobile recharge is a website in which we record the detail of the Recharges of the distributors. In this, there is a login process for the users. By default all features of the website are disabled. User needs to give valid user id and password. Once the users has logged In successfully, they can use the website. After login to the website the user can access the website, they can add and edit, the various information regarding the Recharges.

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Yamuna Hospital Management System

 Yamuna Hospital Management System is a web-based application  This project is fully automated and aims at providing effective management services in hospitals by controlling information such as  bed details, doctor details,medicine details,patient details, patient_test details,prescription details,report details,test details,ward details Admin area,

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

online Money Manager php project

online Money Manager  is designed to keep a track of Income-Expense of a Housewife on a day-to-day basis. This System divides the Income based on daily expenses. If you exceed day’s expense, system will cut it from your income and will provide new daily expense allowed amount. If that day’s expense is less, system will add it in savings. Daily expense tracking System will generate report at the end of month to show Income-Expense Curve. It will let you add the savings amount, which you had saved for some particular Festivals or days like Birthday or Anniversary.

Yamuna Health care Center php project

 Yamuna Health Care Center  was developed using PHP, HTML, MYSQLi and Javascript. I used Bootstrap as a front-end framework for the layout. The purpose of the system is to lessen the work time of each user and avoid redundancy of existing data.

online yamuna image gallery php project

online Yamuna image gallery is wonderful php  for running your image gallery site. Key benefit is that PHP image gallery  very easy to   operate. Get your gallery site up and live in minutes. Just put your images in one directory only and instruct the php gallery script to add all those images and that is it.

online Yamuna jobs Portal php project

online Yamuna  jobs Portal manage the details of Interview, Post Job, Call Letter, Search Job, Employer Registration. It manages all the information about Interview, Employer, Employer Registration, Interview. The project is totally built at administrative end and thus only the administrator is guaranteed the access. The purpose of the project is to build an application program to reduce the manual work for managing the Interview, Post Job, Employer, Call Letter. It tracks all the details about the Call Letter, Search Job, Employer Registration.

online pay per click php project

 Online Pay Per Click  for your web site. You can run your own PPC search engine with This Project has a VERY high earning potential. Members can signup to add their site to your search engine. They can define keywords relevant to their web site and the price they are ready to pay for each visitor they get through your search engine.

Online Yamuna Recipe portal php project

Online Yamuna  Recipe portal : today’s this type of website is useful for house wife, hotel businessman etc. in this website admin manage recipe category, also upload recipe, manage top 10 recipe and registered author. recipe author register in this website and upload recipe, also rate and review of another author recipe article.

website Ads management system 2 php project

website Ads management System can manage banner ads for your site and SAVE a lot of TIME and EFFORT for you. For advertisers, it provides real time stats about their banner display which enables them to know what is working and what is not. PLUS it so easily integrates into any existing live site. Color scheme for the script can be defined from the admin panel. So, once you set the colors according to the color scheme of your site it will appear very much part and parcel of your site.

website Ads management System php project

  website Ads management System can manage banner ads for your site and SAVE a lot of TIME and EFFORT for you. For advertisers, it provides real time stats about their banner display which enables them to know what is working and what is not. PLUS it so easily integrates into any existing live site. Color scheme for the script can be defined from the admin panel. So, once you set the colors according to the color scheme of your site it will appear very much part and parcel of your site.

Monday, 2 January 2017

yamuna classifieds 2 php project

yamuna classifieds 2 is the potential classified advertisement websites that categorize objects in a user-friendly manner & displayed as an advertisement. Classifieds can be posted that involves selling, buying, organizing to meet people nearby your location. If you want to sell anything like bikes, computer, gadgets etc then you can post ad with complete details of the item.

freelancer Advance php project

freelancers website  Concept is very simple. Service seekers post their requirements and the service providers make bids for doing the job. You can earn heavily in different ways like project commissions, membership fees (multiple membership levels), featured project fees, featured service provider listings etc.

online Yamuna inventory management system php project

 Online Yamuna Inventory Management System Projects primary thought is to build up a product interface for godowns for overseeing aggregate exchanges of merchandise and conveys and cash management. Clients are given with graphical GUI to getting to notable information. This application gives graphical charts to view information for simple understanding and overseeing day by day exchanges with admission and active information said plainly.

online yamuna book store php project

Online Yamuna Book  store  Shopping Site is a tool which is used in the automation of Books Selection and Purchase in an Online. In this tool, the books will be automated,Searched and Purchased by the customers dynamically and the reports on the same. 

Online Yamuna insurance php project

Online Yamuna insurance is implemented in php platform using Mysql as backend application. Main aim of this project is to develop a online application for  Health insurance company to atomize work procedure, using This System will help customers to get insurance card easily,and this card we be valid for one year....
after checking the client information ,the administrators will confirming the insurance... else the information are wrong the card will be send to the problem page....

online Yamuna Electrical store php project

Yamuna  Electrical store   – Online store will showcase all the products that they are selling for. It is a store where customer will just have to take orders in the Internet. Basically, all the transactions are made online including the operation of payments. As long as you have Internet connection, then you could easily browse the web site of the company and check if the material you’re looking for is available.

online Examination Portal php project

Today Online Examination Portal has become a fast growing examination method because of its speed and accuracy. It is also needed less manpower to execute the examination. Almost all organizations now-a-days, are conducting their objective exams by online examination system, it saves students time in examinations. Organizations can also easily check the performance of the student that they give in an examination. As a result of this, organizations are releasing results in less time. It also helps the environment by saving paper.
According to today’s requirement, online examination portal  is very useful to learn it.

online railway reservation system php project

Online Railway reservation system project in php is basically developed for manage the reservation and cancellation of railway ticket. In our country the railway network is so large and it is difficult to handle it manually. So Online train ticket reservation system project documentation is make as computerized. By making system is computerized it make possible to overcome the problem and work is efficient.

online train reservation system php project

 online Train Railway reservation system project in php is basically developed for manage the reservation and cancellation of railway ticket. In our country the railway network is so large and it is difficult to handle it manually. So Online train ticket reservation system project documentation is make as computerized. By making system is computerized it make possible to overcome the problem and work is efficient.

yamuna stock php project

 Yamuna Stock management system project assumes control over the bookkeeping and accounting is to be needed to operate a Warehouse for a company specializing in retail sales of food and groceries. All day-to-day operations of the warehouse, as well as conducted to the weekly accounting of the products stored in the warehouse and disbursed to participating supermarkets, and  will be performed by to the software.

online yamuna shopping php project

 Yamuna shopping is a fully functional eCommerce Online Sales system has it's own Dashboard design "CPanel" I have developed in 2014 for my final year University Project.
This online sales system is a kind of shop evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a business retailer or shopping center; the process is called business-to-consumer (B2C) online shopping. In the case where a business buys from another business, the process is called business-to-business (B2B) online shopping.

online school management system php project

This is simple school website with content management system(CMS) facilities. This application is developed using php & mysql.

online gym management system

online gym management system is an easy-to-use gym and membership management system. It helps you keep information of your associates and their subscriptions, and allows simple interaction between you and your associates. Gym Management System PHP MySQL Source Code is also feature-packed, assisting you in the control and development of one of your clubs.

online gym management system

online gym management system is an easy-to-use gym and membership management system. It helps you keep information of your associates and their subscriptions, and allows simple interaction between you and your associates. Gym Management System PHP MySQL Source Code is also feature-packed, assisting you in the control and development of one of your clubs.

Yamuna gym management system php project

Yamuna Gym Management System  is an easy-to-use gym and membership management system. It helps you keep information of your associates and their subscriptions, and allows simple interaction between you and your associates. Gym Management System PHP MySQL Source Code is also feature-packed, assisting you in the control and development of one of your clubs.

godaddy php project

Domain hosting is similar to web hosting. Every website on the Internet needs to be hosted somewhere, so when a company hosts your website, it also hosts the domain where your site is located.