Sunday, 15 January 2017

simple car rent system php project

simple car rent system will provide the business owner to handle their business in much easier fashion. A number of built in modules has been added such as vehicle history details, their engine and parts details, insurance registration and expiration details, vehicle check in and check out details, vehicle servicing details, payment details etc. Admin will also have to facility to check their customers and suppliers details and their payment mode and status details along with date and time. 

First time customers will have to create a profile if they are taking a car on rent and select the appropriate payment mode. However customers are taking this service by visiting the office, they will get their id and password from the admin side. Users will have the facility to select the type of car, search particular car by their brand name. Upon selection of particular type users will able to get their entire details such as rent type, cost for taking a particular car, mileage details in kilometer per hour. Users will have the facility to fill the basic information details such as name, address, total number of family members who will travel through the car, number of days to take service, location to travel etc.


Software requirements:
  • Apache Server, PHP 5.2, HTML, AJAX, Mozilla, IE8
  • My SQL 5.2
Hardware requirements:
  • 80 GB hard disk and above
  • 1 GB RAM
  • Dual Core
simple car rent system
Project Rate Rs.1500