Wednesday 25 January 2017

book store system using c++

Under any particular book shop, there are various number and types of books available and it is sometimes even difficult for the book shop owner to remember the details of any particular book. With this new book shop system, book shopkeeper will find easier to perform all the operations which are needed for their daily business transactions. As there will be a common system and screen for all types of users but to perform operations related to admin part, that person should have a valid login id and password.

Existing System: 

Under the existing system, customers do not have the freedom to use the system within their shop. Only shopkeeper has the facility to use the computer to get information on the basis of customer’s requirements and as per the business requirement. In this system searching medium was not available, by which admin have to get details of book by viewing each book record one by one. As there was sequential method to use any particular records, so making any operations was time consuming and confirmation was not given upon processing any  

  book store system using c++
Project Rate :Rs.1000