Online Yamuna Recipe portal : today’s this
type of website is useful for house wife, hotel businessman etc. in
this website admin manage recipe category, also upload recipe, manage
top 10 recipe and registered author. recipe author register in this
website and upload recipe, also rate and review of another author recipe
Online Yamuna Recipe portal
Project Details:
Professional looks
Elegant, professional looks make PHP Recipe Script the best!Categorized presentation
Very well categorized presentation of recipes.Recipe search
Highly advanced recipe search interface is major plus of our recipe scriptMultiple functions
Post, rate, comment, print recipes. Keep track of favorite recipes.Convenient
Convenient way for webmasters to control site contentFULLY customizable
FULLY customizable site colors and graphicsHighly configurable
Script parameters are highly configurable through script admin panel.Great earning potential
And of course great earning potential of recipes script make it leading php recipe script.SEO features of Online Yamuna Recipe portal
Optimized food category pages
SEO recipes portal script is search engine optimized Recipe and food category pagesURL rewriting
URL rewriting (using apache mod_rewrite module) for all Recipe info pagesKeyword rich URLs
Keyword rich URLs for all Recipe Categories (URL re-writing)Recipe page meta tags
Separate meta tags for each RecipeRecipe category page meta tags
Separate meta tags for each food categorySmart use of <TITLE> tags
Separate TITLE, meta description and meta keywords etc. for each Recipe and food categoryFront End Features
- Home page display of categories with images, latest recipes, top rated recipes
- Completely configurable site colors, icons and graphics
- Classification of recipes into relevant categories for easy browsing & efficient management
- Categories are shown with the number of recipes posted
- Categories are displayed with separate image for each category
- Member account management for recipes script members
- Recipe fields are configurable from admin panel
- WYSIWYG editor for recipe posting
- Provision to upload image of dish
- Provision to show submitter's name and email address with recipe
- Highly advanced search based on recipe contents
- Recipes search based on keywords, categories etc.
- Sort recipes by newest, oldest or by recipe name etc.
- Favorite recipes section where you can save the recipes you like
- Rate recipes in recipe script
- Comment on recipes
- Print recipes
- Refer recipe to a friend
- Random recipe section.
- Recipe of the day (Automated)
- Subscriber's section
- Dynamic thumb nailing of images (gd graphic lib & Imagemagick required)
- PHP recipe script has automatic usage stats collection
- Post feedback through contact us system
- Lost password recovery mechanism
- Extensive search and display options
- Inbuilt Ad Rotation System
- Banner / Affiliate ad slots
- Support for banner ads, text ads and affiliate ads.
- Php recipe script also supports google adsense ads to be shown on front end
Admin End Features
- Extensive usage stats (total categories, total recipes, total members)
- Recent stats for recipes (posted today/yesterday/last 7 days etc.)
- Recipe categories management console
- Add / edit / remove categories
- Category ordering for display on the front end
- Shift recipes from one category to another
- Highly configurable site parameters
- Highly configurable layout parameters
- Full control over site color scheme (directly from admin panel)
- Create / Edit / Save as many color schemes as you like
- Fully customizable graphic elements (directly from admin panel)
- Create / Edit / Save as many icon sets as you like
- Configure all outgoing emails
- Set Maximum size for dish images
- Configure dynamic thumb nailing options for images (required imagemagik and gd lib)
- Regenerate thumbnails of existing images.
- Cleanup routines
- Recipe management console
- Post new recipes in php recipe script
- Configure recipe posting form fields
- Add fields to recipe posting form
- Add/edit/remove ingredients, courses
- Add/edit/remove cuisine, dish type
- Approve/disapprove existing or new recipes
- Monitor comments posted by members
- View latest recipes
- Accept/ decline submitted recipes
- Search members database
- Configure display parameters of the site
- Email Members individually or collectively
- Search subscribers
- Visitor feedback section
- View, reply to and delete feedbacks provided by visitors
- Approve or decline visitor comments on recipes
- Sponsored ad management
- Support for banner ads, text ads and affiliate ads
- Admin can Add/Edit/Delete/Approve/Disapprove any recipe
- Support for running google ads