Tuesday, 3 January 2017

online Yamuna jobs Portal php project

online Yamuna  jobs Portal manage the details of Interview, Post Job, Call Letter, Search Job, Employer Registration. It manages all the information about Interview, Employer, Employer Registration, Interview. The project is totally built at administrative end and thus only the administrator is guaranteed the access. The purpose of the project is to build an application program to reduce the manual work for managing the Interview, Post Job, Employer, Call Letter. It tracks all the details about the Call Letter, Search Job, Employer Registration.

features of online Yamuna  jobs Portal

Job alerts

Set up unlimited email job alerts based on industry and location.

Save Search results

Save your job search. Saved searches update automatically over time.

Resume search engine

Job posting and resume search features for employers.Earn big.

Unlimited categories

Multilevel categorization of jobs for convenient browsing.

Bulk import categories

Create your own category structure using Import bulk categories function (CSV file)

Social bookmarking

Social bookmarking for viral promotion of your web site.

SEO optimized

SEO optimized to provide you better visibility in search engines (using separate meta tags for each job and job category).

Unique keywords and URLs

Great ability to have separate title, description, keywords etc. for each Job and Job category.

URL rewriting

URL rewriting (using apache mod_rewrite module) for all the jobs and job category pages for better Search Engine Visibility.

Backup utility

In-built database backup utility .

Company profiles

Jobs script supports multiple company profiles, multiple resumes, multiple cover letters etc.

Payment gateways

Integration with Paypal, Authorise.net, 2checkout, e-gold and offline payment options.

Premium employers

Animated Premium employers section and featured jobs section.

Color schemes

Support for UNLIMITED Color Schemes and Icon Sets . You can make any color scheme or icon set active at any time from the admin panel.

High security

ENCRYPTED PASSWORDS for user area and admin area for higher security

SPAM Protection

Support for CAPTCHA IMAGE VERIFICATION on various website forms.

Highly configurable

Php job board parameters are highly configurable through script admin panel.

Tiny cost

And all this packed into one script for a very tiny cost.

Another features of online Yamuna  jobs Portal

Job posting fee

Employers pay a fee to list their job openings

Multi-location jobs

Separate fee for showing job openings under multiple locations

Multi-category jobs

Separate fee for showing job under multiple categories

Video jobs

Fee for attaching Videos with jobs.Provision for X videos FREE and then $Y per Z videos

Front featured jobs

Fee for front page featured jobs

High lighted and bold jobs

Extra fee for highlighted jobs and jobs that appear in bold.

Search featured jobs

Fee for featured jobs that appear on top of search results.

Bulk posting packs

PHP Job board script supports job posting packages

Paid Resume search

Packages for enabling resume search on the candidate resume database.

Resume fee

Resume posting fee

Highlighted and bold resumes

Fee for highlighted and bold resumes

Search featured resumes

Fee for featured resumes

Multiple resume packs

Jobs script supports resume posting packages

Video posting packs

Fee for attaching Videos with resumes. Provision for X videos FREE and then $Y per Z videos

Ad publishing

You can publish ads in jobs software

Google ads support

Support for google ads

SEO features

Generate traffic with SEO features

Promote other products

Use generated traffic to promote other products

Applications of our online Yamuna  jobs Portal

Dedicated jobs website

Run dedicated jobs portal site (job board site) to tap the great earning opportunity that this script offers

Free service website

Run as free service to drive more traffic for your site.

Advertising platform

Use as advertising platform for other products / other sites.

Recruitment system

Use it in the recruitment process of your own organization.

Placement agency website

Online platform for placement agents.

SEO tool

Use it as a tool for search engine optimization (SEO).

Increase user interest

Tool to hook visitors to your site, by providing more and more content.

Friendly website

Php job board makes your web site more user friendly.  

 SEO features of online Yamuna  jobs Portal


Great search engine visibility of job pages and job category pages

Rich URLs

URL rewriting (using apache mod_rewrite module) for all the job details pages along with separate meta tags

Hierarchical ULs

URL rewriting of all job category pages in a multi level hierarchical manner for better Search Engine Visibility

Meta tags and keywords

SEO optimized to provide you better visibility in search engines (using separate meta tags for each job and job category)

<TITLE> tag power

Separate TITLE, meta description and meta keywords etc. for each Job and Job category    

        Front End Features

  1. Multiple Color schemes in PHP jobs script
  2. Admin configured web site icons
  3. Multiple Language Files
  4. Front end Language translatable
  5. Different icons for different languages
  6. Indeed XML integration
  7. Social Bookmarking
  8. PHP Job board software comes with RSS Feeds
  9. Unlimited job categories
  10. Unlimited levels of job categories
  11. Define your own categories / sub categories
  12. Configurable category ordering
  13. Quick Job Search for job searching script
  14. Zip code based distance search
  15. Location based search
  16. Advanced job search
  17. Descriptive and brief view of job openings
  18. Google Map based distance search
  19. Google Map display on job pages
  20. Google Map display on resume pages
  21. Video jobs gallery
  22. Animated Premium Employers Section
  23. Captcha spam protection
  24. Job board software supports Video Resumes
  25. Animated Home Page Featured Jobs
  26. Home page featured video jobs
  27. Post banner/text ads
  28. Google ads / affiliate ads
  29. Printer Friendly View
  30. Site Stats Section
  31. Tell A Friend Feature
  32. Latest jobs RSS Feed
  33. Category specific RSS feeds
  34. Browse companies
  35. View Company profiles
  36. Contact us form  

        Job seeker Area Features of online Yamuna  jobs Portal

  1. Online Resumes Creator with features like...
  2. Career Objective, Contact Info, Job Preferences
  3. Professional Experience, References, Education
  4. Affiliations, Languages , Skills etc.
  5. Plus TIPS to create good resume in resumes script
  6. Uploaded Resumes (e.g. .docx, .doc, pdf etc.)
  7. Mark resumes as searchable in php job board software
  8. Mark resumes confidential
  9. Duplicate resume
  10. Maintain unlimited resumes
  11. Create video resumes in resumes script
  12. Attach unlimited videos to resumes
  13. Send resume by email
  14. Make resume highlighted (paid)
  15. Cover letters
  16. Duplicate cover letter
  17. Many different job search options
  18. View indeed job search results also
  19. Save Job search results
  20. Add Labels to your search results
  21. Search results automatically update over time
  22. Search by zip code distance
  23. Google map based distance search
  24. Apply for jobs online in employment script
  25. Track application
  26. Attach resume/cover letter with application
  27. Jobs by email
  28. Get job alerts by job category & location
  29. Create UNLIMITED job alerts
  30. Subscribe to Newsletter
  31. Edit user profile
  32. Email verification of all accounts
  33. MD5 Encrypted passwords
  34. Automatic password retrieval
  35. My account system
  36. Add funds to your account
  37. Supports paypal, Authorise.net, 2checkout & e-gold
  38. Use funds to pay for premium features
  39. E.g. resume posting fee
  40. Pay for making resume highlighted,bold etc.
  41. Get more exposure to resume
  42. Employers can search resumes
  43. Browse company database
  44. View company profiles
  45. View jobs posted by company & apply      

        Employer Area Features of online Yamuna  jobs Portal

  1. Maintain Multiple company profiles
  2. Attach jobs to company profiles
  3. Post jobs
  4. Attach multiple locations and categories
  5. Attach videos to jobs
  6. Attach google map with jobs
  7. Mention qualifications, experience etc.
  8. Make jobs featured, highlighted etc.
  9. Make jobs video featured
  10. Add SEO tags to jobs
  11. It makes job more relevant to search engines
  12. Make job featured/bold
  13. Make Job video featured
  14. Job posting packages
  15. Manage applications in jobs script
  16. Search resumes using resume searching script
  17. Multiple search criteria
  18. Become Premium Employer
  19. My account system
  20. Add funds to your account
  21. Supports paypal, Authorise.net, 2checkout & e-gold
  22. Use funds to pay for premium features
  23. E.g. job posting fee, additional location fee
  24. Pay for making job highlighted, bold etc.
  25. Job posting packages for employment script
  26. Purchase job packs and save on bulk job posts
  27. Edit profile
  28. Subscribe Newsletter
  29. Enable resume search (paid)      

        Admin End Features

  1. MD5 Encrypted password
  2. One click database backup for job board website
  3. Extensive stats for job board portal
  4. E.g. categories, members, new sign ups, jobs etc
  5. Recent stats(today,yesterday & last 7 days)
  6. Category management area
  7. Import bulk categories from CSV file
  8. Add / edit / remove categories
  9. Multilevel unlimited categories
  10. Set category order for your jobs website
  11. Set Category SEO keywords & other meta data
  12. Shift jobs from one category to another.
  13. Configure site parameters
  14. Set time zone of your jobs portal
  15. Choose WYSIWYG editor to use
  16. Rude word filter for recruitment script
  17. Disallow selective HTML Tags
  18. Set Web site Meta-info for SEO
  19. Set SEO texts
  20. Upload site logo
  21. Setup Google Map parameters
  22. Set Indeed publisher account info
  23. Configurable layout parameters
  24. Full control over site color scheme
  25. Create / Edit / Save unlimited color schemes
  26. Unlimited icon sets
  27. Language specific icon sets
  28. RSS FEED settings
  29. Home page animated ticker settings
  30. Set number of premium employers
  31. Switch ON-OFF email verification process
  32. Set member approval to auto/manual
  33. Set job approval type
  34. Set resume approval type
  35. URL Rewriting parameters
  36. Enable youtube video feature
  37. Manage Billing Parameters for recruiting script
  38. Link paypal, authorize.net account
  39. Link 2checkout , e-gold account
  40. Set offline payment info
  41. Set Billing terms
  42. Configure fees
  43. E.g. job posting fee, premium membership fee
  44. Set resume fees
  45. Set site currency
  46. Charge fees for videos etc.
  47. Create job posting packages
  48. E.g. post 5 jobs for $100
  49. Create resume posting packages
  50. e.g. post 5 resumes for $50
  51. Set policy texts like terms etc.
  52. Configure all outgoing emails
  53. Choose HTML/text mail sending
  54. Configure content of each email
  55. Configure Captcha parameters
  56. Configure job/resume length caps
  57. Configure paid/free videos
  58. Charge for video posting
  59. Set social bookmarking code
  60. Get .Htaccess Code
  61. Cleanup routines
  62. Remove unused icons
  63. Remove unused logos and resumes
  64. Location management console
  65. Multi-level location hierarchy
  66. Add/edit/remove locations
  67. Set default location
  68. Employer Management Console
  69. Manage premium employers
  70. Approve premium employer logos
  71. View employer transactions
  72. View employer applications
  73. All resume search for employer
  74. View all companies of employer
  75. View lost login info
  76. Add new employer
  77. Manage companies
  78. View/edit/delete/disapprove companies
  79. View/search jobs
  80. Jobs management console
  81. Search/edit/delete/approve job offers
  82. View all financial transactions
  83. Add/edit/remove transactions
  84. Job seeker management console
  85. View/Edit/Delete Members
  86. Add new job seeker
  87. View job seeker resumes & cover letters
  88. View job seeker transactions
  89. Suspend job seekers
  90. Search job seekers
  91. Resume management area
  92. Search/edit/delete/approve resumes
  93. Cover letter management console
  94. Search/edit/delete/approve cover letters
  95. Manage resume search plans
  96. E.g. $200 for 3 day access
  97. Manage business types, skills etc.
  98. Email Subscribers individually or collectively
  99. Search subscribers
  100. Visitor feedback section
  101. Ad Management area
  102. Support for banner ads
  103. Support for text ads and HTML ads
  104. Add/Edit/Delete/Approve/Disapprove ads
  105. Support for google ads
  106. Manage Languages in job board software
  107. Add/Remove Language
  108. Set default language
  109. Deactivate language

online Yamuna  jobs Portal php project
Project Rate:Rs.6052