Saturday, 31 December 2016

online carting system in php project

This complete system will help you to create a online catering reservation using PHP PDO query. the feature of this system is it allows you to backup and restore database without using phpmyadmin windows. Others feature of this products includes, it can generate reservation details report, can assign a catering team in each reservation, secure login, filter user based on their rules and manage customer reservation. And sense this is an online catering reservation, it filter that the customer cannot do transaction if the reservation date is not over two weeks in the current date. The admin also has a power to approved and disapproved customer reservation.

online mailing system php project

            Information needs to be always stored in a safe and secure manner.As computers have become an inevitable part of information processing, information is stored in either the system’s memory or the in the devices used for secondary storage. The secondary storage devices include a CD or the present plug and play USB drive. 
            Another way of storing a file in a secure method is to attach the file to your e-mail account. This helps you to access the data at any time and any where access to internet is available. 

Online Archeology php project

      archaeology studies historical human cultures  through the recovery, documentation, analysis, and interpretation of material culture and environmental data, including architecture, artifacts, biofacts, and landscapes. Archaeology aims to understand humankind through these humanistic endeavors.Archaeology involves surveyance, excavation and eventually analysis of data collected in order to learn more about the past. There are various different goals to the discipline, including the documentation and explanation of the origins and development of human cultures, understanding culture history, chronicling cultural evolution, and studying human behavior  and ecology, for both prehistoric and historic societies. 

supply inventory system php project

Supply Inventory system deals primarily with determining the size and placement
of the materials within a facility or within multiple locations of a supply chain network.
It is also concerned with the importance of forecasting the required inventory, availability of physical space,
and cost in carrying those inventories to maintain the planned course of production against the random fluctuations,
or shortage of materials. One way of managing inventory is to have a web-based system in place
that can instantly track and update the information about the tools or equipment.

yamuna housing php project

This a simple Online Lot Reservation based on the Process of Dynamic Properties and Realty Corporation developer of Oasis Subdivision. Here, you can add, edit, delete, calculate terms of payment. It also include error trapping and of course reserve lot online and upload requirements needed for reservation.

school survey php project

This project is aimed at developing a Survey of schools for a University. The existing system is completely based on the manual work. This web application helps admin and users to check survey reports anytime through online. Also administrator can compare survey report with previous year’s survey report.  The idea has been successfully tested and it can easily be customized as per client requirements.

Yamuna Clinic system php project

Online Yamuna Clinic System is the appointment system developed using PHP and MySQL. The project title given 24X7 Clinic system where patients can take appointment through online and track their records through it. 24X7 Clinic system is web based application which covers all aspects of management and operations of clinics. This website covers Doctors profile, Patients profile, Online appointments, Patient treatment reports, Prescription report, billings, Clinical tests, etc.


Our project  payroll and Task Management System is an online application which created to check Number of employees in each branch, Employees records, Tasks and time frame, attendance records, salary details, etc. Employee attendance, Payroll accounting, Task Management, Salary calculations, etc are the main objectives of this web application. In this application Administrator creates branches and he assign Branch manager in each branch. Branch manager will add employees to his branch and he assign tasks to his employees.  Administrator is the main user of this web application and Branch manager will manage employee records.

online car workshop

The Main objective of this Online Car  Workshop web application is to develop a website for Al-tabadul automobile workshop in Dubai. Here transactions are done using Dirham’s. In this web application the customers can book appointments for vehicle service through online and also customer can sell or Buy second hand vehicles and spare parts. Administrator is the main user of this web application and Employees manage customer records.

online car showroom system

This project is aimed at developing a Web application that depicts Online Car Showroom and booking vehicles through online. Customer can register to this site and he/she can book cars by entering his login information. Administrator is main user of this system and he can add employees, and new vehicle details. This is the website project developed using PHP and MySQL database.

Software Specifications:

  • Language Used                       :   PHP 5.3
  • Database                                 :   My SQL 5.5
  • User Interface Design             :   HTML, AJAX, Javascript
Project Modules:
Main and Login Page:  The main page, neatly designed page, here login option is provided to login. Also new signup option is provided to for new user to signup.

Cars page:  This screen will display all the Car details, with exact cost, Features, Model details, etc.
Car Selection Screen:  This search screen Option must be provide to select the Cars based on name. In this option customer can select vehicles based on its model.
Booking page:
In this page user can book vehicles by entering cart information. After booking vehicles user will receive booked vehicles information via mail.
This page also includes the details about the payment must be done by the customer during the time of delivery.
Admin Page: Administrator has full permission to access this web site. Here administrator can add new vehicle details, and he/she can add his employees.

Dealer Page: Dealers can handle customer details, and he/she can communicate with customers through mail. If customer forgets his password dealer can reset his/her password.

Important Note: Project is an error free And  project in full working condition

 online car showroom system  Project Rate Rs.3500

online cricket system php project

The online cricket system php project is a web  application that works via the Internet allowing the viewers to have a clear idea about the latest score from the latest cricket matches. It allows the viewers to view the latest matches, it displays the score board and view the schedule for the upcoming matches. Even admin can Update live score details, Team information, Statistics, news, players profile, blogs, photos , gallery in the admin end.

Hotel Booking V1 php project

This  Hotel  Reservation system is a php project of computer student as their final requirement of the said subject. Using this system,the user is able to view gallery of  Hotel Inn. It can also allow the guest user to reserve a room. This system has an admin side wherein the administrator can view and update and delete the reserved rooms. The admin side has also a user management system wherein it can allow the admin to add, update and delete a user account.

Hotel Booking V 1.1php project

This is multiple Hotel Booking System which handles multiple lodge details. It supports both online booking and offline booking facilities. The main purpose of this projects is to maintain the different lodge records, Room details, Room types (Single Room, Double Room, AC or Non AC), Customer records and its staff details. The customer can register through online and they can login after the registration. It has different types of search option, user can book the room after making the payment.

hotel reservation system php project

This is a complete hotel reservation system using php. It was created by Adama Science and Technology University, Department of Software Engineering. It has so many features like checking available and unavailable rooms, reservation transactions, etc. Hope this system with complete source codes serves as an example and will help you in your future project.

online hotel reservation system php project

The Central objective of the Online Hotel Management System project is to provide the information about the hotel as well as online facility for booking rooms. In existing system (i.e. Manual System), person has to go to the Hotel for booking, enquiry etc or another option is telephone booking. But user can’t get detailed information about the hotel the proposed web based system automates it easier for a person to sit at home and book rooms in a hotel. As well as this software system allows administrator to maintain a database for adding a new employee detail, daily attendance and salary calculation of the employee, and also administrator has an ability to view and modify the database content from anywhere at any time.

Haryana Engineering college php portal

Haryana Engineering College Portal is the website for education establishments to manage their dynamic website content where user can publish news, events, photo gallery, Time table, course, and syllabus. It allows new students to fill application form through online. Staff can login to the system and they can post latest news and events.

Friday, 30 December 2016

Yamuna eye care system php project

The idea of  Yamuna  Eye Care System project is to develop which focuses on some modules of management of the Eye care clinic. It allows users to maintain the records of the patients and also it allows doing the manual operations in an automated form. It provides details on treatment, facilities, eye care products and customers record. This project has been developed using PHP as the front end and MySQL as the back end.
The data represented in Yamuna  Eye Care System will perform the following major functions:
  1. Appointment details
  2. Patient details: It includes the personal details of the patients and other medical problems of the patient.
  3. Eye Problems and Diseases
  4. Treatment details
  5. Medical problem
  6. Weekly, MOnthly, Yearly Reports
  7. Billing details: It will help to calculate the bill much faster and simpler. This helps the Eye clinic to keep the information in efficient way.
 Project Rate Rs.2500

Yamuna eye care system php project 

Online career Guidance System php project

Online Career Guidance System is a web based application that can be accessed throughout the specified department to handle the various processes involved in Career Guidance system. The system may be used to automate the workflow of company recruitment process and their approvals. It lets the student apply for job recruitment via online also keeps tracks of all students details. This is a live student project developed using PHP programming language and MySQL database used as backend. The project download link is in the bottom of this page.

Thursday, 29 December 2016

yamuna banking php project

Yamuna Banking  system provides is specifically developed for net banking for Balance Enquiry, Funds Transfer to another account in the same bank, Request for cheque book/change of address/stop payment of cheques, Mini statements.