Thursday, 29 December 2016

yamuna banking php project

Yamuna Banking  system provides is specifically developed for net banking for Balance Enquiry, Funds Transfer to another account in the same bank, Request for cheque book/change of address/stop payment of cheques, Mini statements.

Yamuna Banking System  PHP Project

Project Name : Yamuna  Banking System

PHP Based online Banking Project , MySQL Database is used.

Why this Project developed?
The Traditional way of maintaining details of a user in a bank was to enter the details and record them. Every time the user need to perform some transactions he has to go to bank and performthe necessary actions, which may not be so feasible all the time. It may be a hard-hitting task for theusers and the bankers too. The project gives real life understanding of Internet banking and activities performed by various roles in the supply chain. Here, we provide an automation for banking systemthrough Internet. Internet banking system project captures activities performed by different roles inreal life banking which provides enhanced techniques for maintaining the required information up-to-date, which results in efficiency. The project gives real life understanding of Internet banking andactivities performed by various roles in the  supply chain.

 Features of the Project
This is a net-banking project. It’s a pretty well-known concept. All the customers who already have an existing account with the bank. It has the following facilities for customers:

1.       Opening new accounts.
2.       Viewing the account details.
3.       Getting ones accounts summary.
4.       Obtaining mini statements.
5.       Transfer funds to another account in the same bank.
6.       Request for cheque book.
7.       Request for loan and sanctioning of the same.
8.       Sending mails to Admin and other customers

It also has following features for administrator:
1.       Adding New Account/Customers
2.       View Details of Every Customers
3.       Add and maintain employee records
4.       View and Add Bank Branches
5.       View and Add Account/Loan Types
6.       View all Transactions Made
7.       Send Mails to all customers

There are several other facilities available to all those who are do not have an account with the bank like account opening form download, loan form download, view branches, Frequently Asked Questions, Contact Page.
We have ensured extensive security. It is resistant to SQL-injection and other well-known attacks. Also, we have put in our best of efforts in front-end part using CSS3. Do check out all animations and transitions we have added on our home page and the branches page. We have also used java-script for checking of data in all the forms. Please feel free to check it by entering erroneous data.
Time was a big constraint while making this project. There are several other features we intend to add in future.
   Project Rate 

Yamuna Banking System PHP Project  Video


  1. Hi I am Interested in it please contact me at

    1. i am send you a link of yamuna banking system buy project from this link

  2. Hi, do you have a demo version hosted anywhere to try this out?
