Saturday, 31 December 2016

online car showroom system

This project is aimed at developing a Web application that depicts Online Car Showroom and booking vehicles through online. Customer can register to this site and he/she can book cars by entering his login information. Administrator is main user of this system and he can add employees, and new vehicle details. This is the website project developed using PHP and MySQL database.

Software Specifications:

  • Language Used                       :   PHP 5.3
  • Database                                 :   My SQL 5.5
  • User Interface Design             :   HTML, AJAX, Javascript
Project Modules:
Main and Login Page:  The main page, neatly designed page, here login option is provided to login. Also new signup option is provided to for new user to signup.

Cars page:  This screen will display all the Car details, with exact cost, Features, Model details, etc.
Car Selection Screen:  This search screen Option must be provide to select the Cars based on name. In this option customer can select vehicles based on its model.
Booking page:
In this page user can book vehicles by entering cart information. After booking vehicles user will receive booked vehicles information via mail.
This page also includes the details about the payment must be done by the customer during the time of delivery.
Admin Page: Administrator has full permission to access this web site. Here administrator can add new vehicle details, and he/she can add his employees.

Dealer Page: Dealers can handle customer details, and he/she can communicate with customers through mail. If customer forgets his password dealer can reset his/her password.

Important Note: Project is an error free And  project in full working condition

 online car showroom system  Project Rate Rs.3500