Saturday, 31 December 2016

Online Archeology php project

      archaeology studies historical human cultures  through the recovery, documentation, analysis, and interpretation of material culture and environmental data, including architecture, artifacts, biofacts, and landscapes. Archaeology aims to understand humankind through these humanistic endeavors.Archaeology involves surveyance, excavation and eventually analysis of data collected in order to learn more about the past. There are various different goals to the discipline, including the documentation and explanation of the origins and development of human cultures, understanding culture history, chronicling cultural evolution, and studying human behavior  and ecology, for both prehistoric and historic societies. 

Modules Description
      Everyone can go through this particalar website.But registration is must for providing detailed view.Once a user registered , he/she can login to the website at any time.This is a simple module which deals with user details.Those having email_id can register to this site. One constrain is that one each email_id must be unique.One registration is possible using an email_id.Registerd users are free to use this site. 
      Archaeology is about travel--journeying to lands distant in time, reaching out to people who lived in ancient sites centuries ago. Join our editors, authors, and archaeologists as they step from today into the past. Here you'll find tours and destinations to captivate any with soul or vision attuned to antiquity, the spirit of adventure, or the unending urge to explore.This particular module gives a detailed description about archaeological important places, different routes to reach that place and contact details of authenticated guides. 
      This module provides a bi-annual journal of archaeology. This modules deals with reviews and ratings of archaeological important places.Only registered users can view reviews. 
Photo Gallery 
      Provides phtogallery of archeological important places,events and others. Registered users can comment the photos.Other users can view the photos ,but can't comment. 
      This module includes lattest innovations in this area.  
      Provides the details of interviews with famous archeologists.Can go through their history of invensions, acheivements, and contact details.Only registered users are allowed to view this module.Others can't access this particular module. 
      Every users can participate in this module. They can give their suggestions, share knowledge. 

Software Requirements
Front End :PHP5,Javascript,css,html
Database: Mysql 5.1
Hardware Requirements 
Intel P3 and above
Min. 128MB RAM

Project Rate is Rs.2500

Online Archeology php project