Thursday, 30 March 2017

Interesting facts about WIFI

1. Interbrand  invented the term "WiFi" - WiFi was never actually short form for Wireless Fidelity. What added to the confusion was the WiFi Alliance’s use of a non-sense advertising slogan, "The Standard for Wireless Fidelity," which lead many people to think that WiFi was an abbreviation of "Wireless Fidelity".

2. The WiFi Internet of Thing is happening now - WiFi is already connecting the Internet of Thing applications that consumers want today. There are a large variety of WiFi enabled thermostats, light bulbs, home security, monitoring and control systems, appliances, automotive products, and wearable devices available today.

3. WiFi can travel much longer than you may think - You might think that because you can't get a stable internet access in your room, that WiFi only travels over a few meters. While many WiFi networks are typically for home use, and commonly have a range of around 30m, special WiFi networks can reach more that 275 km in distance. This is done by network technicians creating special WiFi range extenders.

4. A single technology can help make all connections seamless - Just think about being able to purchase a new WiFi enabled TV, thermostat, sprinkler system, or even washing machine and immediately adding it right to the same network as your computer, tablet and smartphone. WiFi is the connectivity of choice for so many existing devices, and it is the network of choice for new connected products. Among those surveyed, 91 percent indicated that they are more likely to purchase smart products for their household if they can sync everything to their existing WiFi network.

5. With more connected devices, security is more important than ever - As more of our day-to-day living becomes automated, it’s critical to practice safe connected habits. WiFi has industry-standard security protections consumers can rely on.  A WiFi network using WPA2 provides both security and privacy for communications as they travel across your network. For maximum security, your network should include only devices with the latest in security technology – WiFi Protected Access 2 (WPA2). Wi-Fi CERTIFIED devices implement WPA2.

6. WiFi was previously known as WaveLAN - FlankSpeed, DragonFly, WECA and IEEE 802.11b Direct Sequence before the more consumer friendly name of WiFi was adopted.

7. WiFi signals are stronger in the US than in Europe - as the regulatory authorities in the US allow for higher transmit power which results in stronger signals.

8. WiFi will drop in performance if wireless devices around it - Wireless performance dramatically drops once more devices connect to it. Theoretically, many routers announce that they can support up to 255 devices connected to a router, while in reality an internet connection will be near unusable at this point. The major problem is bandwidth, which can vary depending on your router. Another problem is if there are many WiFi networks around you, your device may slow down as multiple signals can interfere with the clarity of your signal.

9. WiFi networks can be affected by microwaves - Ever wonder why your YouTube video of People Falling Over or Cats Falling Over slows to a stop when heating up that week-old Chinese takeout? Microwave ovens release an enormous amount of energy when in use, which can interfere with your WiFi signal. Microwave ovens produce about 1,000 watts, which is 10,000 times more than the signal your WiFi gives off. Usually this is contained by the outside of the microwave, but it only takes a tiny leak for it to disrupt your entertainment.

10. WiFi is not a health problem - There is a common misconception that WiFi signals can be hazardous over time and need to be shut off overnight. Through our day-to-day lives we are all swimming in all sorts of waves, from radio waves to mobile phones. In fact, WiFi signals are much safer than mobile phones. There has been no scientific evidence of reported illnesses attributed to WiFi signals.