Friday, 10 March 2017

Google Nose - Google Services for Specific Odor Radiating

Google is a giant company that seemed to produce anything. Once the car is running, glasses that can photograph and computerize (Google Glass), and supposedly they were involved in a major project to make the Artificial Intelligence (AI) that can think for themselves. Wow! So it will not surprise you not that Google launched a service that makes certain you can sniff through the monitor screen? Hah! Ciyus ?! Miyapah ?!

If you open the Google search engine, you will see a new option, called "The Nose" which has the symbol beta side.As the name implies, Google Nose Google is the latest project to provide a picture of a particular smell that you can instantly sniff through the nose, as long as you have an internet connection and can be associated with Google. wow

Curious is not it ?! Click on the Google Nose, then you will get to see the interface as below. Because it is still in beta stage, so not all odors can be searched using Google Nose. Click on "Try Google Nose" to try the new features of Google's phenomenal.

For the experiment, you will be delivered to the page about the durian. As you saw on the display interface, there is a new option "Smell" or sniffing on the right side. You can press the Smell to try sniffing durian.

Next click on "Start Smelling" to know the smell of the durian.

Google will try to smell the durian through your monitor screen. The smell will be conducted through the shards of data and transmitted as befits pixels that inhabit the screen. How, already smelled?

Aroma terciumkah duriannya yet? Try clicking the "Start Smelling" once again. Maybe you're a slow Internet connection makes you hard to take advantage of the features of Google's Cetar formations.
Already kissed again? There is a smell? Nice! Indeed this is the latest innovation from Google where plans for the future, you can even upload your farts smell through Google. Is not this amazing ?!
What? There is no smell? Well, surely you Rada connection problems or ......... APRIL MOP ! Congratulations, you've been stuck conspiracy Google to celebrate April Fools! Hoi Hoi ... Do not be upset to PG! This idea that yesterday's Google-jawil menjawil PG to spread the word. Ouch! Do not throw the monitor to PG dunk! Tolooong! ....