Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Simple Facebook page manager tasks

You can create a hierarchy between administrators by specifying the privileges of the administrators who will work on your Facebook page.. So everybody who works on your page will not have every authority on your page, which will be convenient when security and the authority of the page are transferred.

First, how do you add an administrator to your page?
1. Select Manage from Administrator Tasks.
2. If the new manager is your friend on Facebook, start typing the name and choose the name from the list that appears. If the new admin is not your friend on Facebook, enter the email address.
3. Click the Content Editor link, for example, to select an administrator task from the pop-up menu.
4. Click Save to confirm and enter your password.
5. The new administrator may accept or reject the manager invitation by going to and clicking on Invitations at the top. Depending on your settings, a notification can be displayed on the right side of the person's News Feed, or an email notification can be sent.

How many Admin Authorities are on Facebook and what exactly are their duties?
Admin: Admin can manage the tasks, send messages in the name of the page and share, create ads, and view statistics.
Content Editor: You can edit the page, send a message with the name of the page and share, create advertisements and view statistics.
Moderator: You can reply and delete comments on the page, send messages with the name of the page, create advertisements and view statistics.
Advertiser: Can create ads and see statistics.
Statistical Analyst: Can see statistics.