Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Google Maps Will Help You To Get Rid Of Your Parking Chaos

Nobody likes to waste their time and ruin their date or a dinner with family in finding a parking place for your car. Google has got some solution for you. With an upcoming feature rolled out with the latest beta version of Google Maps, your turn-by-turn directions will soon be able to guide you to the best places to park around your destination. This feature right now is available in 9.44beta version and soon may roll out to all the users.
Parking availability will be shown as a small rounded P icon next to your route duration estimate when you search for driving directions. The small P icon displays the chance you’ll find an open spot in the immediate location. Once you start driving toward your destination, you can check the directions and get more insights about the parking availability. Parking availability is also shown as Limited, Medium and Easy. For Limited parking, the P icon shows up as red.

At this time, its not pretty much clear if this feature is available to only selected cities, entire US or if its available for other countries too.