Sunday, 1 January 2017

Onine restaurant system php project

The project  named  “Restaurant Management”  is based on the Multi Site Concept. This project is done with Reference to many Restaurant based websites. My Restaurant website is named with the Domain called  ERR where err refers (Easy Restaurant Registration). This project or website will be with more functionalities and flexible to use for the clients.

User Characteristics:
  • Public User
  • Admin User
  • Client can their own master list
  • Master list will have Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Drinks
  • Admin – admin panel will have the separate menu to access Master List
  • Option for admin user to dynamically manage the menus
  • Admin user will be able to add the learn dropdown.
  • Registered user to add their profile logo
  • Own logo to the top of their restaurant’s site
  • Login Form
  • Master List
  • Dynamically manage the Menus
  • Add/Edit – Restaurant profile logo
Modular Description:
User Characteristics:
  • Public User
  • Admin User
  • ERR Admin
Public User:
The website will have public user interface and admin user interface module.
The public user has main sections like home page, products page, services, client,      company, partners, support, contacts, about us, sitemap, private policy and terms of use pages.
Admin User:
The admin user will able to update the home page content and inner pages content.
We will provide the links and will do basic static pages content update at once.
Later admin user will have an option to update the content them self.

Functional Requirements:
The ERR website will have option for the users to login and change their contnet or menus for their registered website
Admin user can login to access ERR website and the admin panel will have privilege    settings and rights for their profile settings.
Master List
We should provide option for the Admin user of the restaurant to create a “Master List”. The    master list never gets deleted unless it is deleted forcibly by the Admin User. Master List will        contain the master copy of all the menu items (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Drinks). If the menu     item in the Breakfast menu is removed for some
Reason, it will remain in the master list so that in future if that same menu item is added back to Breakfast they can easily retrieve it and use it in that Menu easily instead of creating it from

scratch again. In the admin panel, we will provide a separate menu to access this Master List.

Dynamically manage the Menus
  • Website administrator will be able to manage the Dynamic Menus.
  • To provide option for the admin user to dynamically manage the Menus.
  • The admin user needs to be able to add to the learn drop down. For example, some places have additional menus such as a “Cheese Menu” or “Snacks Menu.” Therefore, they need to be able to add menus to the learn drop down. Can we add a learn drop down option called “manage menus”?
  • Selecting “manage menus” allows the user to delete menus and add menus and edit menus so the learn tab only shows what that restaurant has.
  •  For example, if a restaurant doesn’t serve breakfast, they should be able to delete breakfast from the learn drop down. If they serve cheese and there’s a separate menu just for cheese in their restaurant, they should be able to create a selection in the learn drop down called “Cheese” or whatever they want to call it. So, may be the learn drop down only has three options when they first begin using the site, before it’s populated with their information: “All Menu Items” (this is the master list), “Manage Menus,” and “Staff.”
  •  Clicking “manage menus” takes the user to a screen that allows him to create the name of a menu, edit the names of menus that already exist, or delete menus. Deleting menus doesn’t delete all of the menu items within the menu because they still exist within the master list.
Add/Edit – Restaurant profile logo.
  • To provide option for the Admin user to add their profile logo.
  • I want an admin user to be able to add their own logo to the top of their restaurant’s page, next to the black and white RR logo. When there’s no logo added, it will be a clean looking box with the words “add your logo” inside of it. Clicking it will prompt the user to add a photo, giving him whatever options you think are best: choose from file, url, etc
Footer section:
                It contains contact us, quick links, my accounts links and help links.

Project Rate:Rs.2500

Onine restaurant system Video