Friday 31 March 2017

Hybrid Mobile App Frameworks Using AngularJS

Hybrid mobile app development is one of the most popular and growing niches of mobile app development. One of the biggest advantages of Hybrid Mobile App Framework is that it doesn’t require knowledge of all the native SDKs to develop app for Android, iOS, Windows etc. platforms. All you need to have is knowledge of the HTML, CSS and JavaScript. In this article, we’ll have a look at some of the top Hybrid Mobile App Frameworks using AngularJS.


IONIC is one of the widely used framework for creating Hybrid mobile apps. You can build mobile apps using web technologies like HTM5, JavaScript, CSS, AngularJS. A single code base is enough for creating the app for all the major mobile app stores and mobile web. IONIC mixes the native device UI features along with the power of AngularJS to make progressive apps.
To get started with using IONIC, do have a look at how to implement twitter login in IONIC mobile app which shows how to get started with creating a IONIC app.


NativeScript is a hybrid mobile app framework for building mobile apps using AngularJS. It also support mobile app development using TypeScript. NativeScript is backed by Telerik and hence making it one of the top contenders among the other hybrid mobile app frameworks.
NativeScript provides beautiful native looking UI which can deployed across multiple mobile platforms such as Android, iOS, Windows etc. It’s has large number of plugins which can reused across different mobile apps.
Feel like digging deeper into NativeScript, do have a look at their official documentation.

Mobile Angular UI

Mobile Angular UI is a HTML5 Hybrid Mobile App Framework Using AngularJS for creating mobile apps. This framework uses the power of Twitter Bootstrap and AngularJS to create sleek looking mobile apps. With no jQuery dependencies, all you need to create beautiful user interfaces are AngularJS directives.
For a detailed information on using Mobile Angular UI, have a look at the official documentation.

Onsen UI

Onsen UI is a HTML5 UI framework for creating hybrid mobile apps. Onsen UI supports mobile app development using different JavaScript frameworks and libraries. You can develop the application using AngularJS, AngularJS 2, React, Meteor, Vue.js or you can go pure JavaScript. With all the SDK up in cloud, you don’t need to waste time updating SDKs. You can focus on building app using technologies you already know and the rest is taken care by Onsen UI.
For a  detailed info, do have a look at the official documentation.

Wrapping It Up

In this article, we saw some of the most widely used Hybrid Mobile App Frameworks Using AngularJS. Have you worked on any of the above listed hybrid mobile app frameworks ? How was your experience ? Have you used any other hybrid mobile app framework ? Do let us know your thoughts and suggestions in the comments below.