Thursday, 14 March 2019

Modern Freelancing Website

I have made this advanced freelancing website for those students who want to learn to make any kind of freelancing website by purely using PHP and MySQL functions with the assistance of Bootstrap 4 framework to make it complete responsive and dynamic.Often people use bootstrap for this purpose and the good thing about the usage of bootstrap kinds of framework is that students can easily make any kind of theme responsive without indulging themselves in any complicated issues. Therefore I have made this freelancing website to make the students fully expert in all the essential PHP & MySQL functions and Bootstrap 4 framework.So I am very hopeful that after joining this course and learning it, you will get a good control over making any kind of advance level responsive plus dynamic freelancing website with all its complete functionalities with the assistance of Bootstrap 4, PHP & MySQL. I have focused to make the students fully experts in the usage of all the essential PHP & MySQL functions and Bootstrap 4, so you could learn their usage very well.So I assure you that after joining this course and learning it completely, you will be able to run your own freelancing company like fiverr,freelancer and upwork.

Who this course is for:
  • Students who want to learn to make an advance freelancing website in php&mysqli with bootstrap 4 can join this course.
  • Anyone who wants to work with Bootstrap 4
  • Anyone who has a dream to build a freelancing company
  • Entrepreneurs who want to launch a website like fiverr
 What is New?
  learn to make Fully Responsive Design - shows beautifully on different devices.
 learn to make Buyer Requests Section - Complete system for sending buyers requests for sellers.
 learn to make Submitting An Offer Functionality On Buyers Requests.
 learn Creating Proposals
 learn to make Featured Proposals
 learn to add Video In Proposals
 learn to add Custom Proposal Video Player
 learn to make Manage Selling Proposals Sales (Active, DELIVERED, Completed, Cancelled, All)
 learn to make Manage Buying Proposals Purchases (Active, DELIVERED, Completed, Cancelled, All)
 learn to make Proposals Coupons For Discount System
 learn to make PayPal & stripe integration for buying proposals
 learn to make Proposals Favorites System
 learn to make Proposals Reviews & ratings System
 learn to make share Proposals on social media networks using buttons
 learn to make Admin Proposals Approval/Validation System
 learn to make SEO Friendly Proposals Url's
 learn to make Inbox Conversations System
 learn to make E-Mail notification for new messages System
 learn to make E-Mail notification for new Orders System
 learn to make Advanced Notifications System
 learn to make Google ReCaptcha System Functionality
 learn to make Password strengthen functionality
 learn to make Advanced Level Filters for searching online,offline and top levels proposals
 learn to make Withdrawal Minimum Limit - only let users request a withdrawal if their available balance is more than the set amount.
 learn to make Set Days Before Withdrawals
 learn to make PayPal Withdrawals System
 learn to make Stripe/PayPal Payment System
 learn to make Pay via Shopping Account Balance
 learn to make Referral System
 learn to make Encrypted Encoded Passwords
 learn to make Sellers Levels System
 learn to make Sellers SEO friendly Url's
 learn to make Seller Skills Functionality
 learn to make Seller Languages Functionality
 learn to make Customer Support Center Inquiry Type Functionality
You can Manage your Contacts (Buyers,Sellers)
 learn to make Advanced User Account Settings
 learn to make Terms & Conditions Page
 learn making a dynamic and responsive admin with full functionalities to control the website
Admin can Login as a User in any account
Admin Can Add Review
Admin Can Block/Ban Users Accounts System
Resolution Center Functionality for giving the authority to admin to resolve any dispute between seller and buyer.
Orders Revision Request,Cancellation Request,Decline Cancellation Request Functionality
 learn to make Orders Percentage Commissions System
 learn to make Categories and sub categories
 learn to make Admin Panel Custom CSS
 learn to make Admin Panel Files
 you will  able to make any kind of advance freelancing website in php&mysqli with the assistance of bootstrap 4.