Monday, 20 February 2017

What is Framework laravel

A. Definition
Laravel is a PHP-based web application framework that is open source, using the concept of model-view-controller (MVC). Laravel is licensed under the MIT License, using GitHub as a place to share code  

B. Background
 This time, we will discuss a PHP Framework that recently was trending even beat the popularity of PHP frameworks such as Zend Framework, CodeIgniter, Yii even though. Not without reason, artificial laravel Framework Taylor Otwell occupying the top of The Best Framework PHP Framework 2016. This one is known as jargonnya "Cleans the code".What does it mean? Let's get acquainted further with laravel!
C. Objectives
Sharing of the Framework laravel
D. Tools and Materials
  • Computers / Laptops
  • text Editor
  • Internet connection
E. Material
Concepts MVC
Model-View-Controller or MVC is a method for making sebuahaplikasi by separating the data (Model) from the view (View) and how to process it (Controller). 

1. Model, Model represents the data structure. Usually the model contains functions that assist a person in database management such as entering data into the database, the data updates and others. 
2. View, View is the part that governs the display to the user. It could be said in the form of web pages. 
3. Controller, Controller is a part of that bridge the model and view.
4. Controller contains commands that serves to process the data and sends it to a web page.
Composer is an application-level dependencies manager for the PHP programming language that provides a standard format for managing PHP software dependencies and libraries are required. Composer was developed by Nils Adermann and Jordi Boggiano, the first release on March 1, 2012. The composer was inspired by the "NPM" of Node.js and "bundler" of Ruby. Composer used via command line commands.
Install composer
• Linux and Mac OSX 
$ curl ss | php

or if it does not have the curl package 
$ php -r "readfile ( '');" php

to be accessible globally type the following command 
$ mv composer.phar / usr / local / bin / composer

• Windows 
Download the installer from
and install. 

Features laravel
• Bundles bundle or bundles provide modular packaging system. With this feature we can easily to perform additional application packages into our project. Laravel version 4.x using the composer as an application manager. 

• Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), an advanced PHP implementation of active record that provides its own method to regulate the relationship between objects in the database. Laravel query builder is one of the features in support Eloquent. 

• Application logic, 

features of application development in general, either by the controller or the declaration of a route • Reverse routing, feature mempu defines the relationship between the link and route, allowing changes of route or link without any alteration in the view. 

• Restfull controllers, an optional way to separate the logic between 

• Class auto loading, provides features to load PHP class without the need to 
perform include, On-demand loading will only load the necessary class. 

• View Composers, a logic code that is executed when the view is loaded 

• IoC container, allows new objects to be produced according to the principles 
of control, with optional instances and references of the new object. 

• Migrations, providing control systems to the database schema, making it possible to link the application code changes to the layout of the database, making it easy deploy and update applications. 

• Unit testing, menyediakanfitur testing to detect or prevent the code 
multiple or recurrent (regression), unit tests can be run via command 
command line. 

• Automatic pagination, a feature that enables the creation of pages / paging 
automatically with methods that are already integrated into laravel. menyediakanfitur testing to detect or prevent the code multiple or recurrent (regression), unit tests can be run via command command line. • Automatic pagination, a feature that enables the creation of pages / paging automatically with methods that are already integrated into laravel. menyediakanfitur testing to detect or prevent the code multiple or recurrent (regression), unit tests can be run via command command line. • Automatic pagination, a feature that enables the creation of pages / paging automatically with methods that are already integrated into laravel.
F. References
G. Results and Conclusions
PHP Framework that recently was trending even beat the popularity of PHP frameworks such as Zend Framework, CodeIgniter, Yii even though.

Yak, it was a brief description about Understanding and Use Jquery Datatables, do not forget to keep visiting my blog to find the continuation of this material  A few Termiakasih