Thursday, 16 February 2017

Use PDO in MYSQL PHP project

PDO stands for PHP data Objects.PDO is a PHP extension to formalise PHP's database connections by creating a uniform interface. This allows developers to create code which is portable across many databases and platforms.
PDO supports many of the popular databases as seen on the list below.

  • DBLIB: FreeTDS / Microsoft SQL Server / Sybase
  • Firebird ( Firebird/Interbase 6
  • IBM (IBM DB2)
  • INFORMIX - IBM Informix Dynamic Server
  • MYSQL ( MySQL 3.x/4.0
  • OCI ( Oracle Call Interface
  • ODBC: ODBC v3 (IBM DB2 and unixODBC)
  • PGSQL ( PostgreSQL
  • SQLITE ( SQLite 3.x
In this Tutorial I will explain about PDO and its usage in MYSQL.
1. Connection with database
<?php/*** mysql hostname ***/$hostname 'localhost';

= 'mytable';/*** mysql username ***/$username 'username';/*** mysql password ***/$password 'password';

try {
$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=$hostname;dbname=$dbname"$username$password);
/*** echo a message saying we have connected ***/
echo 'Connected to database';
PDOException $e)

2. For Closing database connection
Just set the connection variable to null

 $dbh null;

3. For Executing Query statements like INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE

//Insert query  
$query="INSERT INTO tablename(fieldname, fieldname) VALUES ('value1', 'value2')";
//Update query
$query="UPDATE tablename set fieldname='value' where condition";
//Delete query
$query="DELETE FROM table where condition;


/*** echo the number of affected rows ***/

4. Executing query statements like SELECT

/*** The SQL SELECT statement ***/
$sql "SELECT * FROM animals";
    foreach (
$dbh->query($sql) as $row)
$row['value1'] .' - '$row['value2'] . '<br />';



To fetch an associative array from our results the constant PDO::FETCH_ASSOC is used and returns the column names as indexes or keys of the resulting array

$sql "SELECT * FROM tablename";

/*** fetch into an PDOStatement object ***/
$stmt $dbh->query($sql);

/*** echo number of columns ***/
$result $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

/*** loop over the object directly ***/
foreach($result as $key=>$val)
$key.' - '.$val.'<br />';


Like PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, the PDO::FETCH_NUM produces a numerical index of the result set rather than the field names.

/*** The SQL SELECT statement ***/
$sql "SELECT * FROM tablename";

/*** fetch into an PDOStatement object ***/
$stmt $dbh->query($sql);

/*** echo number of columns ***/
$result $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);

/*** loop over the object directly ***/
foreach($result as $key=>$val)
$key.' - '.$val.'<br />';


There may be times you need to fetch both numerical and associative indexes. PDO::FETCH_BOTH produces a numerical and associative index of the result set so you can use either, or both.

/*** The SQL SELECT statement ***/
$sql "SELECT * FROM tablename";

/*** fetch into an PDOStatement object ***/
$stmt $dbh->query($sql);

/*** echo number of columns ***/
$result $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);

/*** loop over the object directly ***/
foreach($result as $key=>$val)
$key.' - '.$val.'<br />';

5. For getting last insert Id

    $dbh->exec("INSERT INTO tablename(fieldname,fieldname) VALUES ('value1', 'value2')");

/*** display the id of the last INSERT ***/
echo $dbh->lastInsertId();

I have covered only basic things about PDO. Hope that this post is helpful to some people...