store data in Session using AngularJS
An AngularJS Storage module that makes Web Storage working in the Angular js Way.
There are Contains two types of services: first = $localStorage and second $sessionStorage.
There are Contains two types of services: first = $localStorage and second $sessionStorage.
1st – Angular sessionStorage : – We all got this often-overlooked type buddy covered in storage.
2nd – No Cookie Fallback : – With store data (Web Storage) being readily-read data all available in all the browsers(Mozila,chrome.etc..) AngularJS officially supports in angularjs,
so such fallback is (large data)largely redundant.
AngularJS Session Storage Example
so such fallback is (large data)largely redundant.
AngularJS Session Storage Example
<header> <div id="dataidv" class="title">:#/Angularjs king</div> <br> <br> Simple Session Storage Example with AngularJS </header> <div class="focus" id="container" ng-controller="angularkingTestCtrl"> Hello, {{si_name}}! </div>
var agTestApp = angular.module('agTestApp',[]); function angularkingTestCtrl($scope,$window) { //Angularjs SAVE VALUE data $window.sessionStorage.setItem("parmSaveVal","I am a all value saved with (value)SessionStorage in angularJS"); //Angularjs RETRIEVE VALUE all data $scope.si_name = $window.sessionStorage.getItem("parmSaveVal"); }
header{ font-size:27px; text-align:center; margin:24px; padding:26px; } .title{ font-size:38px; color:green; } #container{ text-align:center; margin:28px; padding:24px; }
:#/Angularjs king Simple Session Storage Example with AngularJS Hello, I am a all value saved with (value)SessionStorage in angularJS
window.sessionStorage in AngularJS
In angularjs session storage,generally we need to keep a client session(users) state in our all angularjs application(web app).
session storage state should survive page(web page) refresh and navigations(menu) within the application(web application).
angularjs we used to ngStorage module (in storage) but lately have some changed our opinion in storage module,
as we think it is all over-engineered applay and is too heavy at runtime storage web apps.
as we think it is all over-engineered applay and is too heavy at runtime storage web apps.
We have store data replaced it with a simple service in angularjs that synchronizes sessionStorage data once during init mode (initialization),
and retrive data (page load )once before page unload.
and retrive data (page load )once before page unload.
Example of window.sessionStorage in AngularJS
<!DOCTYPE html> <html ng-app="si_app"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Session - angularjs session storage</title> <style type="text/css"> .ng-cloak { display: none; } </style> <script src="yourprojectdir/angular.js"></script> <script> //anglarjs module and factory angular.module("si_app", []). factory( "session", ["$window", function($window) { var session = angular.fromJson($window.sessionStorage.getItem("si_app")) || {}; //windows listener $window.addEventListener( "beforeunload", function() { $window.sessionStorage.setItem("si_app", angular.toJson(session)); }) //live function return session; }]). controller( "STestdata", ["session", function(session) { this.sivalue = session; }]); </script> </head> <body ng-controller="STestdata as std"> <input placeholder="your session value get" type="text" ng-model="std.sivalue.value"/> <a href="sessionstorage.html?p=1">Home</a> <a href="sessionstorage.html?p=2">About us</a> </body> </html>
Store data in local storage using Angularjs
seapp.factory(‘adminService’, [‘$rootScope’, function ($rootScope) {
var dataservice = {
model: {
user_name: ”,
user_email: ”
user_name: ”,
user_email: ”
DataSaveState: function () {
sessionStorage.adminService = angular.toJson(dataservice.model);
sessionStorage.adminService = angular.toJson(dataservice.model);
ResultState: function () {
dataservice.model = angular.fromJson(sessionStorage.adminService);
dataservice.model = angular.fromJson(sessionStorage.adminService);
$rootScope.$on(“dataSavestate”, dataservice.DataSaveState);
$rootScope.$on(“resultState”, dataservice.ResultState);
$rootScope.$on(“resultState”, dataservice.ResultState);
return dataservice;