Sunday 1 January 2017

E-learning system php project

e-Learning System is a web based learning system that helps the students to take the learning in incremental steps by providing the latest available content on the subjects. At it's most basic level, it is an online course with a series of online resources to help students understand and prepare for their interested subjects. Essentially, e-Learning is the realization of the concept of flexible learning, by giving the user time, resources and scope to learn at his own interest and potential.

Software Specifications:
  • Technology Implemented :   Apache Server
  • Language Used :   PHP 5.3
  • Database :   My SQL 5.5
  • User Interface Design :   HTML, AJAX, Javascript
  • Web Browser :   Mozilla, Google Chrome, Internet explorer
Hardware Requirements:
  • Processor                    :  Pentium, AMD or Higher Version.
  • Operating System    :  Windows XP/ Windows 7/ Linux
  • RAM                            :  256 MB, 2GB recommended
  • Hardware Devices   :  Keyboard with mouse
  • Hard disk                   :  10GB or More
  • Display                       :  Standard Output Display
Project Description
The purpose of this E-Learning Management System project is to develop a back-end application for e-learning applications and queries using graphical user interface. It allows for flexible data format and deliver of its data so that each analysis application can receive only the information it needs and in the format required.

 Student : The student selects from various courses available.The student takes a test on a course. There might be courses, which has only test modules. Each question has multiple choices with only one correct answer. The test will be time bound. Student can see the test schedule. New Users will be able to register themselves in the system as students. All students will be able to modify their own profile. Student views previous test reports, receives feedback for a test taken Student can go to the discussion board and browse through questions and answers and discussing solutions of questions asked in test. Student can chat with course expert. Student can also send messages to the course expert.

 Administrator: Publish tests submitted by Course Experts. Before publishing test questions it is customary to get it reviewed by admin. After going through its content either it gets approved or gets rejected. Modify the profile of other users registered in the system. Change user status from inactive to active.

Working of E-Learning Management System
A student has to register his profile for a course, by authentication and authorization and chat with others. A student can join discussion forums, send mail to instructor(s) of the course and provide feedback about the test given. A student can view test schedule, take test to assess his knowledge,view test report and edit his/her profile.

A course expert creates a test for the course, test questions will reside in the Draft area if either it is saved while creating/modifying or it has been rejected by admin. Modifying test questions, deleting the entire test, browse through the tests that students have submitted, just as a student would., view the results of those students that have taken test for his courses. Replying back to the messages from students.
           Project Rate :Rs.2500
E-learning  system php project